These are going to be game changers.

Are you ready to be lit from within?

Join us for this entirely unique urban retreat experience on June 7-9 in Saskatoon! Everyone is welcome We'll take in coaching sessions, land based activities with Elder Joseph Naytowhow, speakers, upscale dining, yoga, energy healing, group connection, laughter, and MOST IMPORTANTLY, FUN!!

EVERYONE is welcome! You do not need to be a yoga or wellness practitioner to attend.

Take yourself to the next level…

Designed for yoga teachers, we realized right away this program is for EVERYONE. Do you know where you want to be in the next 3 months? How about 6 months? Have you had an idea that for a long while now you’ve talked about with out taking any action. Let’s make this happen for you! You deserve this!

Let’s bring peace and health to youth

For years I have been teaching yoga and mindfulness in schools. I’ve tried it all. I’ve worked inside the system, and i’ve worked along side the system. Come and learn ways the work with youth and support them in staying true to who they are and what they have to bring to the world!